Message to an Eagle Scout

[Editor's Note: The following letter was read at the ceremony yesterday where the C. O.'s nephew was awarded the Eagle Scout badge. The C. O. himself never made it to Eagle, which is no surprise to us here at upper management. Hope he doesn't read this.]

"Jacob, we have enjoyed watching you grow from a little boy into an outstanding young man, but today you have gained a new level of admiration from all of us. Today you attain the highest rank a Boy Scout can ever achieve - Eagle Scout. Only one out of every twenty Boy Scouts earns the right to wear the Eagle badge on his uniform, and from now on you are a member of this select group, many of whom have used the teachings of Scouting as a springboard not just to a successful career, but to a lifetime of service, from their community all the way to the highest office in the land.

"As you receive your badge today accept it with pride, knowing that the other Scouts and Scoutmasters in your family - your father, your brother, your grandfather, your uncles and cousins, all beam with delight at your honor.

"Jacob, from this day forward you are charged with special responsibilities. Now more than ever the world needs leaders, and as an Eagle Scout the world will ask much of you - of your skills, your character and your good will. Always be prepared to answer the call of the world when you hear it, to set your goals high and then fulfill them. It is not just your duty - it is your pleasure. That is what makes an Eagle Scout a mirror for the timeless ideals of excellence and honor. That is the secret behind the Scout's smile - he loves his work. Congratulations, Jacob, on your special day, from all of us!"

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