Friday Blog Roundup

William Broadâs NYT piece on Al Goreâs global warming science has been causing a stir in the blogosphere this week (original article here). Michael Mann and Gavin Schmidt at RealClimate write, âIt is rather ironic then that William Broad's latest piece on Al Gore plays just as loose with [the facts] as he accuses Gore of doing;â David Roberts at Gristmill says itâs âthe worst, sloppiest, most dishonest piece of reporting I've ever seen in the NYT.â Tim Lambert at Deltoid faults Broad for failing to check out claims made by climate change skeptics and for misrepresenting scientific reports. Chris Mooney at The Intersection takes a different view, since heâs found the science in Goreâs movie to be less than 100% accurate. Matthew C. Nisbet at Framing Science considers the article in the context of how journalists operate.

Moving on to other topics â¦

Ian Hart at Integrity of Science reports on the passage of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act in the House of Representatives.

Robert McClure at Dateline Earth highlights environmental aspects of Sunshine Week.

Elisha Dunn-Georgiou at RH Reality Check criticizes the disconnect between rhetoric and actions in the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinatorâs annual report to Congress.

Jessica Gottlieb at Global Health Policy reports on the positive results that Conditional Cash Transfer programs have had on childrenâs health in several countries.

Merrill Goozner at GoozNews explores the need for comparative effectiveness studies to improve healthcare.

Cervantes at Stayin' Alive explains why he supports a ban on direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising.

Tara C. Smith at Aetiology reports that antibiotic-resistant bacteria can spread from humans to animals, too.

Richard Littlemore at DeSmogBlogs answers questions that a detractor thinks "climate fascists" can't address.

What else is worth a read? Leave suggestions in the comments.


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"Team member"

Wonder what the next great euphemism for "(minimum) wage slave" is. Does Tyson describe their workers as "partners"?

The fundamental trouble with relying on market forces to improve the lot of workers is that workers become "assets".

The same logic that lets an architect calculate that a building will cost $X million, Y work-hours, and cost 2.4 lives is perverted to allow a company to say that each worker is worth $a, each injury costs $b, so if (injuries or deaths) x $b