Friday Blog Roundup

Al Gore's appearance on Capitol Hill prompted several blog posts. David Roberts at Gristmill liveblogged Gore's testimony in both the House and the Senate; he and Mike Dunford at The Questionable Authority both devoted blog posts to a memorable encounter between Gore and Senator Inhofe, too.  Kevin Vranes at Prometheus weighed in on Gore's specific proposals and summarized exchanges between Gore and various Senators.

When the sad news about Elizabeth Edwardsâ cancer was reported, Orac at Respectful Insolence and Craig Hildreth at The Cheerful Oncologist were quick to provide additional medical context.

In addition:

PZ Myers at Pharyngula and Revere at Effect Measure have concerns about releasing transgenic malaria-resistant mosquitoes as a means of combating malaria.

Carol Lloyd at Broadsheet recognizes World Water Day with a post about how water engineering is a feminist issue.

Bill at Enviroblog reports on the responses to BPâs $500 million partnership with UC Berkeley for biofuels research.

Healy Thompson at RH Reality Check busts some myths about PEPFAR (the Presidentâs Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief).

Abel Pharmboy at Terra Sigillata considers the high costs of cancer drugs â which might hurt the drug industry as well as consumers.

Ruth Levine at Global Health Policy checks out progress on TB control in advance of World TB Day.

Bill Miller at DeSmogBlog reports that labels showing productsâ carbon footprints are coming to the U.K.

Cervantes at Stayin' Alive and DrHGuy at Heck of a Guy examine the problem formerly known as patient non-compliance.

What else is worth a read? Leave suggestions in the comments.

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