David Michaels Speaks at Google

Last month, David Michaels spoke to Google employees about his book Doubt is Their Product: How Industryâs Assault on Science Threatens Your Health, and Google has now posted the video on YouTube as part of their Authors@Google series.

The Google employees asked astute questions (starting around the 31-minute mark), touching on freedom of speech issues; what industry scientists should do about manufactured uncertainty (this from a former industry research scientist); international regulation; and the relative costs of workplace illnesses and profits.

The videoâs below the fold:


Thereâs a long list of authors whoâve spoken at Google; readers of this blog might be interested in listening to Michael Pollan and Marion Nestle, who both write about food issues (weâve also got a conversation with Marion Nestle at DefendingScience.org), and Jeffrey Sachs, director of Columbia Universityâs Earth Institute.

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