Friday Blog Roundup

Bloggers worry about how a Wall Street bailout and economic turmoil might affect environmental issues, and they advocate for green avenues to help the economy.


Kay Lazar at White Coat Notes reports that Massachusetts has successfully re-negotiated its Medicaid waiver package from the federal government, which means the state will be able to continue its pioneering program to ensure nearly all of its residents have health insurance.

Maggie Mahar at Health Beat explains why there arenât enough primary-care doctors, and why training more of them may not solve the problem.

Matt Madia at Reg Watch brings us news from a report that finds the White House Office of Management and Budget may have pressured EPA officials to block asbestos cleanup in Libby, Montana.

Robert McClure at Dateline Earth tells us why open-government activists are celebrating: under orders from Congress, the government has just reopened libraries in 15 states and EPA headquarters.

Jody Roberts at The Worldâs Fair explores the complex interweaving of technical, social, and political processes in endocrine-disruptor research and regulation.

Tara C. Smith at Aetiology checks out Obamaâs ambitious plan for ending malaria deaths by 2015.

Craig Lasher at RH Reality Check reminds us how much influence the U.S. president has over international womenâs health.


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