Video of the Week: Panamanian Amphibian Rescue and Conservation

Nearly one-third of the world's amphibian species are at risk of extinction. The rescue project aims to save more than 20 species of frogs in Panama, one of the world's last strongholds for amphibian biodiversity. While the global amphibian crisis is the result of habitat loss, climate change and pollution, chytridiomycosis is likely at least partly responsible for the disappearances of 94 of the 120 frog species thought to have gone extinct since 1980.

Read more about the Panamanian Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project, and check out their blog, here.

(h/t Smithsonian Institution)

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What a beautiful collection. It is a shame that people aren't more considerate of animals. The research idea itself is also very interesting.

By Serena Kaschak (not verified) on 26 Nov 2010 #permalink