Lancelet on AIG, ICR and Tiktaalik

The IDers aren't the only ones sounding foolish trying to dismiss Tiktaalik roseae as a transitional fossil, the old fashioned young earth creationists are too. Lancelet has two posts on the subject, one on Answers in Genesis and one on the Institute for Creation Research. The one on the ICR includes this delightful quote from John Morris on how an evolutionary transition between fish and amphibians could be documented:

If some type of fish evolved into some type of amphibian, there should have been distinct steps along the way of 90% fish/10% amphibian; then 80% fish/20% amphibian; etc., leading to the 100% amphibians we have today.

In essence, that is precisely what we have in a remarkable series of fossils documenting the transition.

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"I'm sorry. Did we say '90% fish/10% amphibian; then 80% fish/20% amphibian'? We meant '90% fish/10% amphibian; then 89% fish/11% amphibian;'..."