I'm not sure where this is from, or who made it (if you do, though, please let me know so I can give it proper attribution). But I think its hilarious and awesome. The image is particularly large, though, so I've placed it behind the fold.
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My favorite is the version with the dog's day and the section "2:30pm: bath time. Bummer. 3:00pm Play time! My favorite!!"
I'm pretty sure this predates the Internet, but is not as old as the useful range for radiocarbon dating. Therefore it can't be dated.
Brilliant - just made my day. :)
Hilarious! I think I've seen a much longer version of the cat one, with multiple days entries, but still funny. My friend and I just commented on how upset her cats were when intervened in their attempt to take out my boyfriend (allergies - got to the point of trouble breathing), and how they were pissed at us for keeping them from their first confirmed human kill.
I was just sent this a couple years ago for the first time. I also have no idea of its origins, but I still find it funny to this day. I love how it is obviously exaggerated, but is so uncannily accurate in its own right.
The writing in the cat monologue sounds hauntingly like that of Par Lagerkvist's dwarf in The Dwarf. He won the Nobel.
Love! I must try and find the longer versions now.
O that is brilliant!
Does anyone have the longer versions of them you keep talking about?
5 mins on google turned up this book:
Not sure if it's the same thing, but looks to be a similar sense of humour if not : )