Don't Forget Scientiae and Open Lab!

The end of the month is creeping up on you, faster than you think. So doggone it, get your post for the Sept. 1 Scientiae carnival written and submitted! Or at least start thinking about procrastinating writing it. Remember the topic is UNLEASH; more elaboration on that here. Instructions on submitting here.

Now, after you write your most excellent post, and sit there gazing in pride at what you have accomplished, you'll want to submit the product of your intellect for consideration for inclusion in Open Lab 2007. Don't be modest. You know you write well. And you know the world needs to hear what you have to say. Women science bloggers rock!

If you are absolutely too shy to nominate your own posts, nominate something you've read on someone else's blog that you thought was really great. In fact, you should do that whether you nominate your own posts or not. Any great post written since December 20, 2006 up to December 20, 2007 is eligible for submission. Troll your archives, and submit!

Now stop reading, go forth, and write and nominate!

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Actually, December 20, 2006 up to December 20, 2007.

Thanks for the shout-out.