Has It Really Been A Year?

So, Happy Blogiversary to me! One year ago today I officially started blogging here at Science Blogs. Here's my incredibly dull first entry. Although I did use the word "penis" in it.

By the way, this is also my 300th post on Science Blogs, though I have no idea how many posts I made on the old site at Radio Userland.

Yay for me! Now I'm off to Gettysburg for the Bluegrass Festival - again.

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I'll add a Happy Blogiversary myself! Cheers, and keep those posts a-comin'!

By ctenotrish, FCD (not verified) on 22 Aug 2007 #permalink

Heartiest congratulations on surviving around these lunatics for a whole year! Seriously, your voice is absolutely essential to any discussion of parity in science and engineering. Sorry to miss you in NYC, otherwise I would've bought you a celebratory beer.

Here's to many more years of writing about things "so atrocious and disgusting" that we'll all continue to be "horking up [our] breakfast." My idealistic hope is that you'll run out of things to write about but I'm afraid the sad truth is that academia will be giving you fodder for many years to come.

Happy Blogiversery!

By afarensis (not verified) on 22 Aug 2007 #permalink

Happy blogiversary! I always enjoy reading your blog; you are not afraid to call out the things that many of us are experiencing or thinking, and I so appreciate that.

Thanks everybody! You all are so nice! It is a pleasure blogging for this community. Jane, thanks especially for what you said - that means a lot to me. Abel, I'm so sorry you couldn't come to NYC. I'll see you in January in NC, no? I hope so!