Welcome, Physioprof and Drugmonkey!

Hooray! I have some new Sciblings!

Drugmonkey and Physioprof are now co-blogging at Scienceblogs. Visit them here and tell them how happy you are they joined Sb. Check out this excellent post Science Pays:

This brings today's discussion around to the topic of diversity in science, careers in science and a much under appreciated goal of "outreach" efforts. That's right people, we scientists are out there to get hold of your impressionable children and sway them into our "lifestyle"!

And Physioprof has a new blog of his own, called, amazingly enough, Physioprof. With the delicious tagline " 'Step in, Sit Down, Chill The Fuck Out' -- I said that". To get a quick flavor of this blog, you might read Megan McArdle is a Clueless Fuckwit. But be prepared to be appalled speechless if you do.

How does Physioprof find the time to hold down a job, write for two blogs, make excellent comments on other blogs, have a life, and sleep? Perhaps he is a member of the Borg and draws on the collective's resources to help him in his tasks. Whatever, it's just nice to have him in the neighborhood!

Welcome, welcome, Drugmonkey and Physioprof!

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Thanks for the nod Zuska!

"How does Physioprof find the time to hold down a job, write for two blogs, make excellent comments on other blogs, have a life, and sleep?"

You know about aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, right? He also has vitriolic metabolism that kicks in. Somebody should study that...