Free Online Science Seminars from AAAS

I got this email from AAAS, and I thought I'd pass it along:

Dear Colleague,

We're now taking you behind the scenes of Science , presenting the authors of life science research papers in Science Online Seminars -- our compelling new online audio/slideshow feature.

Now Showing on a Computer Near You

Every other week, the editors of Science select an author of a breakthrough paper to discuss the application of his or her research and/or the methods and protocol.

You'll meet leading scientists whose cutting-edge papers have made Science the premier scientific journal. You'll hear thought-provoking accounts, supported by a variety of visuals, as they describe their work in critical areas of interest to life scientists.

Access Science Online Seminars, 24/7

The show starts whenever and wherever you want to watch it. Just go to Science online from computers everywhere:

We hope you take advantage of this new Science reader benefit as we continue to expand the universe of science.


Alan I. Leshner
Chief Executive Officer
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Executive Publisher, Science

Science Online Seminars are produced by the Office of Publishing and Member Services

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I got that email last week already. Your behind the game. Heck, it was posted on the website last Thursday. Anyways, there might be some interesting seminars on there from time to time.

Sorry, I've been under much stress. Lots of work + world cup. I was just cleaning out my email yesterday when I saw this.