I couldn't resist.


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Fun! Make a library card for your blog with this card generator. I tag Razib, Abel, and OmniBrain.
I must have fallen behind in my blog reading, which led me not to notice that Abel Pharmboy over at Terra Sigillata just celebrated his first blogiversary on Friday. Here's to another successful year of science blogging! If you want to get a taste of what Abel's about, he just posted two good…
Yes, I know that my blog buddy Abel wrote a post with almost exactly the same title as this. No, I'm not mindlessly aping him. I'm doing it because of what Abel revealed in his post: That most of his referrals lately have been Google searches looking for information on where to buy dichloroacetate…
It's that time again! The 30th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle has been posted over at Paige's Page, and it's a big one, chock full of skeptical bloggy goodness, delivered in a straight-up style: Welcome to the 30th Skeptic's Circle, the first one with a theme song! Come and listen to my story…