Virginia Tech Massacre

Sad, very sad. 32 dead.

Reading about it ... how the killings came in several waves, hours apart ... I wonder why didn't they stop the guy. I guess that unlike Dawson, which is located in downtown Montreal, V Tech is in a small college town (from my understanding).

Another question: why do these large scale massacres take place in schools (Columbine, U. of Montreal, Concordia, Dawson, U Iowa, V Tech)? Sad.


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As you know I did my undergrad at Virginia Tech (We say Va Tech not V Tech btw) and this hits way to close to home. Virginia Tech is a beautiful place. This is just unbelievable.

The first shooting seemed to be basically a "domestic violence" incident. They (police) had someone in custody being questioned. It was 7:30 am, classes were starting at 8 and there were 10,000 commuters on their way in with no way to contact them.

Nobody could have expected there to be more shooting on the other side of campus two hours later.

I think I remember reading in a different context that schools were more monocultural -- everyone is about the same age and development level, which highlights the perceived differences. I think the article was saying that a girl can think of herself as homely in comparison to the 18-25 year olds surrounding her at school, but in a wider society she can see herself as more attractive than much of the general population. I think for guys it said something similar about physical ability.

In this context, it might mean that a loner/outcast in college might not perceive that there are other places in the world where he might have fit in better. Everyone would have been better off if Cho went on a pilgrimage to the desert or something.

By KnowNothing (not verified) on 18 Apr 2007 #permalink