Saturday check in

Sorry about the lack of posts, I've been a bit busy as of late. On Thursday I had to look over the proofs for my upcoming paper: The Signal Sequence Coding Region Promotes Nuclear Export of mRNA. It is due to come out December 4th in PLoS Biology.

If also been busy with two other projects that have recently yielded fantastic results. As a result it will be a while before I take another weekend off (yes I'm in the lab, PCRing up genes, RNAi treating cells, and performing the obligatory acts of cutting and pasting DNA).

But don't get me wrong, I am very excited about these new results. It is amazing that we (and I mean us, humans) know so little about the fundamentals of life it is just ... scary, fantastic, frightening, sad and great for anyone interested in performing experiments that answer fundamental questions.

Okay, time to stop my restriction digests ...


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