Dembski to Join ScienceBlogs

Well it looks like the top honchos at Seed Media Group wanted to diversify their little empire known as ScienceBlogs to include "other view points".

"Other" meaning pseudoscientific.

Here is some info on William A. Dembski from Wikipedia:

After completing graduate school in 1996, Dembski was unable to secure a university position; from then until 1999 he received what he calls "a standard academic salary" of $40,000 a year as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture (CSC). "I was one of the early beneficiaries of Discovery largess", says Dembski.[14] As of 2008, Dembski serves as a senior fellow at the CSC, where he plays a central role in the center's extensive public and political campaigns advancing the concept of intelligent design and its teaching in public schools through its "Teach the Controversy" campaign as part of the institute's wedge strategy.

If you're upset, please email the staff at Seed now. For a list of his scholarly publications (impressive!) click here.


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Might this be an April Fool's joke? (please say yes)

Alex - I can't find the link to the overhead image of Southern Baptist University...

(You COULD have linked to at least a jpg of a toilet bowl...)

Haha, april fools

By meerasedai (not verified) on 01 Apr 2008 #permalink

ha's for sure an April Fools day joke.

*laugh* That's one good April Fool's Day joke. :D

Its too bad I saw your April Fools post after seeing a few other ones here on SB. It surely would have sent me into a rage but, alas, I saw it coming. Either way, nice one, good for a hearty chuckle.

Alex - you have that aura and mystery. What to believe, what not to believe ...