Nature Network Pub Night with a theme - "what science would be like if unconstrained by reality"

After a hiatus, Nature has relaunch its Pub Nights, but this time there's a twist. Here's the email that I just got from my good fiend Anna Kushnir:

What would your dream project in science be? Corie Lok, the editor of NNB and I would like to invite you to an informal evening of drinks and conversation about what science would be like if unconstrained by reality.

Two speakers will address this question:

Antoine van Oijen - Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School - Visualizing life at the molecular scale


Andreas Mershin - Center for Biomedical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - 'Farmable' solar power

at a special pub night hosted by Nature Network Boston to be held

Wednesday, November 19, 7 PM
Tavern In the Square
730 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA (in Central Square; on the Red Line and the route of the M2 shuttle from Longwood). We have reserved a private room for this event - please ask to be directed to the Nature party.

The evening will begin with two 5-10 minute chalk talks from our speakers. The talks will be followed by Q&A and discussion.

Please bring scientists, friends, and labmates for an evening of exploratory science, drinks, hors d'oeuvres, and networking.
Please RSVP by posting a reply in the Nature Network Boston Events forum.
Hope to see you there!


The Nature Network Team

BTW although it is not explicitly stated, I've been given reassurances that the the first round(s) of drinks and appetizers will be on NNB.

I probably won't attend as the next meeting of our RNA Data Club is also scheduled for that same evening.


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