Writing about the latest ideas in cell biological research - why cell migration is cool in 30min

So here I am with half an hour to spare, I'll just spew out some thoughts from an incident that occurred a couple of days ago.

I was chatting with a science writer and unfurling my usual gripes about science journalism. Very few science writers are willing to tackle ideas originating out of biochemistry, molecular and cell biology. They would rather talk about 'omic research - you know "big biology" projects like the human genome project, ENCODE or the hap map. And when they write about subjects like genomic research, some journalist do a good job explaining the bare minimal basics (along the lines of DNA=>RNA=>protein) while others compose trite articles (such as the "low" number of genes in the human genome). But does any of this mean anything? Can any journalist honestly comment of the # of genes without describing what those genes actually do? And what about the lion's share of the work being done out there? All this cool stuff on how proteins function and how various biological processes work. So I was challenged by the guy, what would I write about?

There are so many great stories waiting to be discovered when you approach biology from the view point of the cell. Remember a cell is the smallest unit of life. You cannot divide it further and obtain an entity capable of reproduction and self-renewal. The cell is where chemistry meets biology. Look at every major research institution and there are loads of people working on problems involving cells, in fact there are probably more people studying cells then there are people studying physics and chemistry combined. And the problems addressed by cell biology are the very essence of basic research.

How do cells talk to each other? How do they divide, how do they KNOW when to divide? How do cells commit suicide? How do cells monitor their size, levels of energy, amount of metabolites? What do all of these processes have to do with cancer?

Perhaps one of the most fascinating stories that would be excellent fodder for an article aimed at the lay reader would be how do cells crawl. There is something primal about motion, this process is central to life and it is incredible that a bag of molecules can manage to crawl around towards and away from cues found in the environment that surrounds them. Think of it, a cell is nothing but a bag, densely packed with all sorts of bizarre machines and filaments that act together in concert to propel a cell forward. The writer countered that such an article would describe how protein A binds to protein B that then adds a phosphate to protein C ... and reading the primary literature you would think hat that is all there is. But I have to say that this type of analysis is comparable to describing how a car operates by analyzing every nut and bolt. Biology after all is the study of minutia, and there are so many details that the only way to study cell biological processes is to dissect it down. Very rarely do you have one paper describing a novel finding in cell biology that encapsulates the whole process. You need to immerse yourself in the literature, talk to people doing the work, and all of a sudden a larger picture develops. At that point you realize that there is a better way of describing a motile cell, just like there is a better way of describing how a car works by using broader concepts.

Concepts such as the flow of actin filaments, the power of myosin motors, and the cellular clutch, which involve huge structures called focal adhesions that mediate interactions between the actin and the solids that are found on the exterior of the cell. To really describe the interior of a cell, we need to temporarily ditch the car metaphor and switch to something much more dynamic the activity inside of a motile cell is comparable to a ocean tide of actin meshwork. Actin filaments are assembled right underneath the leading edge of the motile membrane and are swept back to the rear of the cell by myosin motors. This tidal wave pushes everything including the nucleus towards the back of the cell. The actin meshork then collapses and is contracted together into long filaments called stress fibers. To generate traction the actin is hooked upto these large focal adhesions that line the sides of the membrane and help the cell cling to solids from the outside. The attachment transforms the rearward motion of actin into a forward push on the leading edge. Yes I've just described a clutch - and with that we move back to the car analogy.

At this point you can end the piece. But there is much more. It turns out that this actin flow and the molecular machine that generates it can be found in almost any cell that is responding to some extracellular stimulus The core components of this biological process are used by almost every single eukaryotic cell that wants to change its shape, whether it be a crawling amoeba, a migrating neuron, a budding yeast or even a plasmodium invading a red blood cell. In fact these components accomplish a much more basic task than allowing for cell to move or simply to change shape, this ancient machinery allows cells to reorganize their inner structure in response to a cue coming from one discrete point on its periphery. This process is called cell polarization.

OK I'll end my long winding prose at this point.

Many ideas presented here, I've written about before. But this little composition is just a glimpse of a good article, in my humble opinion.


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I couldn't agree more. I think part of the problem is that everyone (at least if they get out of the city every now and then) can gaze at the stars and wonder, but not everyone gets the chance to gaze through a microscope. A science writer that wants to take this on needs good pictures (or movies!) to go with the story.

Very nice entry! Of course considering I spend most of my waking hours thinking about cell migration and actin flow, perhaps not a surprise that I would like it. BTW Alex, we met years ago at a Gordon Conference on motility. Great blog, I check in every few days, but have never commented.

Nicely written. Given the cringing fury that overtakes me every time I read a science journalist write about what a gene "does" (or worse, is "for"), I'm happy for them to write about whiz-bang -omics and sequencing technology.

I think the solution is scientists who write, rather than writers who try to make science snazzy by dumbing it down. There are quite a few who are great writers...science sections of newspapers should be seeking them out. What I don't get is why Nature News is so bad--surely they have access to real scientists who know what they're talking about.

I like your description of actin waves...too often in textbook diagrams or animations cell interiors are shown as vast empty spaces with a lonely myosin crawling along a single filament. Protein density in a living cell is higher than in protein crystals. Things are happening at a scale, speed, and context that defies our intutions, while these schematics and cartoons pander to our intuitions.


Yes I guess I could burn a couple of days and craft a nice article on cell motility, but I do have my limits and I have written in depth about these concepts before. If you really do want to learn about the cytoskeleton and cell motility you can check out these previous posts:

Generating Force at the Leading Edge
Focal Adhesions and Cell Motility
Cell migration is soooo cool
Cytoskeleton Gestalt
On Microtubules and Actin
Actin differentiation
Plasmodium is just like a shmooing yeast cell (Cell Polarity in the Malaria causing parasite Plasmodium)
These Cells Are Left Handed

Also check out Julie Theriot's talk at iBioSeminars.

FWIW, I agree completely with the disappointment in how most science writers treat biology, as well as most other scientific topics. The pressures to dumb things down and gussy them up with attention-grabbing prose and specious metaphors is depressing.

Personally, I try to do it differently. I think that by writing clearly and using proper terminology (with explanations) it is possible to show why some scientific topic normally considered too arcane can be made interesting, even compelling.

very well expressed. Thanks for the time you took to share your thoughts.

I have an unrelated question: Does anyone know by any chance where I can have schematics of a certain model drawn (using softwares) for a paper.

I'd greatly appreciate your help!