Speaking of Talks - Next NERD Club is 11/19/09

When I was a postdoc at Harvard Medical School, I was a founding member of the New England RNA Data Club. We organized a monthly meeting, where RNA researchers from around the New England Area would get together and present data. Over three years, we were lucky enough to hear exciting talks and catalyze many new collaborations between labs at Harvard, MIT, University Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, Boston University, Brandeis and Tufts. We were fortunate enough to get speakers as far away as Yale and Darthmouth.

When I left Harvard to start my own lab in Toronto, I thought that the Club (affectionately dubbed NERD Club) would die and that was the end of that. But fortunately Shenghua "Eddy" Duan, who moved from Craig Mello's lab at UMass Medical School, to join Dana Farber Cancer Institute's Center for Cancer Computational Biology (CCCB) and John Quackenbush's lab at Harvard University has resurected the NERD Club.

They've already met once in my absence, but the second meeting for the 2009-2010 seasson will be taking place on Thursday, Nov 19, 2009 at Harvard Medical School in Cannon Room.

Here's the email that Eddy sent out last week:

The next meeting of the New England RNA Data club will take place in Cannon Room at Harvard Medical School on Thursday, Nov 19, 2009.
We will have beverages starting at 5:30PM and talks from 6:00-7:30PM in Cannon Room, 1st floor in Building C of HMS quadrangle.
Following the talks, we will convene outside the Cannon Room for a reception from 7:30-8:30pm. (food, wine, beer and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided).

Our speakers will be:

Taiping Chen, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research at Cambridge
"Crosstalk between histone methylation and DNA methylation in the mammalian germline "

Jason P. Schrum, Jack Szostak Lab at Harvard Medical School, MGH, HHMI
"Phosphoramidate Nucleic Acids: Application as a Self-Replicating Genetic Polymer"

Ines Anna Drinnenberg*, David Bartel Lab at Whitehead Institute, MIT, HHMI
"RNAi in Budding Yeast"

This meeting is sponsored by Exiqon and Qiagen.
For more detailed information, visit our website: http://www.newenglandrna.org/
If you want to present your research in the NERD meeting, let us know.
If you want to be included or removed in this email list, let us know .
Feel free to forward this email to anyone who may be interested.
Feel free to print the attached flyer and post it in your lab and department.

We hope to see you on Thursday, Nov 19, 2009.
Shenghua Duan (Eddy)
Neil Kubica


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