There was a request for a Millionth Comment party here in Champaign-Urbana Illinois... I would totally be up for getting together with a bunch of like minded folk and throwing a few down.... say at the Blind Pig?
Anyone else up for meeting up for some beers? (Or Soda... or I guess even water)
Any date preferences?
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Saturday the 27th might be good, as there's no home football game that weekend. Any idea how many of us ScienceBlogs readers there are lurking around this area?
Funny that, since I grew up in Lafayette and took a few classes at Purdue. (I was born in South Bend, home of the Fighting Irish. I guess I just like college towns.)
I guess we need to do something down here to drum up more readers for ScienceBlogs in general.
Purdue... WTF?! Come on down buddy :)