Help Bring The President to Sneak Peek Friday at the Festival!

The USA Science & Engineering Festival is working hard to bring President Obama and the First Lady to Sneak Peek Friday on April 27, 2012, and you can help!

As most of you know, the inaugural Festival was endorsed by President Obama and received unanimous bi-partisan support of the House and Senate. To bring this same united spirit to the 2nd Festival, we are inviting The President and his family to attend Sneak Peek Friday to further ignite the support and recognition of the largest celebration of science and engineering in the nation! Will you join us in making history? Please join dozens of Nobel Laureates and senior scientific leaders in this important cause to showcase the true importance of STEM education as a national priority. Click Here to sign this electronic letter and support the unprecedented event!

Letter to the President:
The President
The White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

As sponsors and participants in the USA Science & Engineering Festival, we write to encourage you and your Administration to support the 2012 Festival which will occur in Washington DC on April 28-29. In your 2011 State of the Union address, you told the nation that "the first step in winning the future is encouraging American innovation." We could not agree more. That is precisely the goal of the Festival - to inspire a generation of students eager to pursue education and careers in STEM fields and bring about the discoveries and innovations that will be the key to America's global competitiveness in the decades to come. The 2012 Festival Expo will kick off with a sneak-peek day, April 27th, for military families and students from traditionally disadvantaged schools. We strongly encourage you, the First Lady and your daughters to consider visiting the Expo on this special day as it would spotlight to the nation how important America's youth celebrating science is to our nation's future.

The inaugural Festival culminated with over 500,000 people gathering on the National Mall in our nation's largest ever celebration of science. Building upon the success of the inaugural Festival, plans are well underway for 2012. High technology companies from coast to coast have once again teamed with some of the nation's foremost colleges, universities and professional societies to celebrate science. A wide range of federal agencies will also be participating. This year, the Festival will also include a career pavilion aimed at directly connecting participating students with a wide range of private sector and government agency employers who have a distinct need to hire individuals pursuing advanced science and engineering degrees.

Last year, your welcoming video remarks to Festival participants and hosting of the first ever White House Science Fair drew significant attention to perhaps the most pressing issue we face as a nation. In a remarkable display of bi-partisan consensus, Members of Congress from across the political spectrum joined in unanimously commending the Festival's efforts. That spirit of cooperation is precisely what is needed in order to ensure that America's youth see how inspiring pursuit of education and careers in science can be. Your support, and that of your Administration, for the 2012 USA Science & Engineering Festival would be a tremendous asset by underscoring the true importance of STEM education as a national priority.

Thank you very much for your consideration of our request.

Larry Bock, Executive Director
Lauren Raymond, Co-Director


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