Let's talk about the facts - Part 2 - The Federal Budget Deficit

Again here's a simple graph that says it all.


And they say that Democrats are fiscally irresponsible.

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Again here's a simple graph that says it all. And they say that Democrats are fiscally irresponsible.
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I have posted a couple different versions of this, and each time my conservative readers just say it's the Democrats' fault. Clinton's surplus? Brave Republicans in congress! Bush's deficit? Spendy Dimmocrits in congress!

Oy, vey... I just don't know what else to say.

"Ideological rigidity should be painful"?

By AtheistAcolyte (not verified) on 15 Sep 2008 #permalink

To be fair to Reagan, the start of that deficit was not entirely his fault, but the way he rode that snowball down the hill and straight to hell is remarkable.