Spintronics and quantum circuits... huh?

Know anything about quantum computing (other than it sounds awesome)? Well, I didn't, until I read the latest edition of the Harvard Science in the News Flash.

Thus far, utilizing charged electrons to make computers has been endlessly fruitful, allowing us to build smaller and faster computer chips. Unfortunately, we cannot continue improving technology simply by scaling down to smaller sizes because we will eventually reach atomic sizes where our devices will no longer function. As we look ahead into the not-too-distant future, we will need to explore new, innovative technologies that go beyond utilizing electron charge - one such exciting new direction is the field of spintronics.

SITN is a graduate student group at Harvard that Heather, Emily and I are a part of, and it's mission is similar to that of this blog: bring science to a wider audience and make it fun. The Flash is a way for grad students that don't blog or have any other way to get experience writing for a general audience. Drop by and leave some feed back.


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I honestly did not realize you were a Harvard grad student when I made my earlier comments. I hope you were not offended. As is, if it helps, my bias comes from having gone to a public high school, community college and a state school...while my cousin went to a prep school, Brown, then to a large state school for his graduate work. I joined the Navy(enlisted) in order to get a grant to go on to more school(past my bachelors). Suffice to say, my cousins experience brought him to more exclusive beliefs, while mine brought about a more eclectic and inclusive set of beliefs. Unfortunately, it turns out that wealthy parents are a greater guarantee of advanced education than military service. I have a bachelors, worked as a lab tech in the military and continue to read a lot of science(particularly bio-chem) but never did get the masters or Phd I worked for. I mention all of this because again, my last comments would have been moderated a bit had I known my audience. My apologies, best of luck, and I will, of course, continue to read your posts.

By Mike Olson (not verified) on 19 Dec 2010 #permalink

@ Mike - Your earlier comment was in no way offensive, and I think quite on target. I'm at grad school at Harvard, but I went to a public high-school and a public university (UCSD). That said, many of the undergraduates here are paying for it with loans or scholarships, but I think your point about someone growing up with advantage and privilege not being able to relate is totally accurate.

(if anyone's interested what we're talking about, it's here.