Halleluja, Amen.

I pledged to donate a bit every month for the next 6 months. I've been so cynical about politics recently, but I decided if I hear something I believe in, I should put my money where my mouth is.

I'll have to cut back on the coffee though...

Via Slog.

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I am not a north american but I already live in your country for a while. What really shocked is the fact that your medical care system is not for everybody. After that I saw Michael Moore movie Sicko and that really pissed me off

Now I am reading the Richard Feynman book that describes how was the censorship on 2 war time. Don't get me wrong, your country is very beautiful and i would love to live in it again. But you (politicians) got to review the meaning of democracy versus capitalism

Keep the good work on immunology

Kudos, Rafael! You're the first person I've seen mention that point. Democracy is not equivalent to capitalism. And democracy is implied by our Constitution, whereas capitalism is not. Capitalism is simply the most popular economic theory in America, just as Christianity is the most popular religion. But America is supposed to be defined by refusing to define itself by what's popular. (Although I doubt that any politicians understand the second-order logic in that last sentence. :) )