Analyses of the Six Degrees of Separation of Bacons other than Kevin Bacon

Sir Francis Bacon, British philosopher, essayist, and scientific revolution advocate (1561 - 1626):
Quite a few of them are dead.

B.L.T., sandwich:
A lot depends on whether the lettuce and tomato count as one degree.

Bacon County, Georgia:
Geographically speaking, could get you as far as Florida or South Carolina

Canadian Bacon, meat cut:
Network probably not as good as Kevin Bacon's, unless of course you're referring to pigs.

Roger Bacon, Franciscan friar, English philosopher, and one of the earliest advocates of the scientific method (1214 - 1294):
Sadly, all dead.

More like this

I like lists such as this one, and I'm pretty sure Ben is at least tolerant of them. If you have anything to add to this one please do.

Francis Bacon, Irish/British painter (1909 - 1992)
Quite a lot. Mostly Irish or British. Many wierd, we'll warrant.

Bacon Bits, condiment
Likely mostly other bacon bits. The pig thing again.

Synthetic Bacon Bits, condiment
As above, plus big pharma, without the pig thing