Reviews of Rejection Letters. Vol 2: Harper's Magazine

O.K. so this letter basically bites. Type written, and as "form letter" as a "form letter" can get. I mean, it's not even technically addressed to me, which I take is not a good sign at all. Furthermore, if I read the signature right, I'm pretty sure it says "Me Cute." Which I interpret as just another put down, a letter that basically says, "I'm sorry but I have to reject your essay and in case that doesn't make you feel bad enough, you should also know that I'm way better looking than you are..."


Rejection Letter Grade: F

(See previous rejection letter: The New Yorker)

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Jesus, that's hilarious. Well, at least you got one -- I've pitched to Mother Jones, The Nation, and the Village Voice and didn't hear a peep in return. heh.