
Good stuff. Slate's explainer explains how horticulturists know when the cherry blossoms will bloom. (They ask and answer because the Washington, DC Cherry Blossom Festival is coming up.) It's a somewhat relevant follow-up to my earlier basic concepts post about the best way to "know" a lilac. The answer? Okay I'll give it away...

"The peak is technically the date on which 70 percent of the area's Yoshino cherry blossoms are open."

Knowledge knowledge everywhere, and lots and lots to drink.

By the by (code for "a propos of nothing"), my daffodils bloomed two weeks after my neighbors but right on my daughter's birthday. And mine look so much nicer. I say so here because I know you care. You do. You care. Can't you feel the blog love?

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We're scheduled to arrive in DC on 4/12 to see the cherry blossoms. Will they all be gone by then?

By Linda Garland (not verified) on 01 Apr 2007 #permalink