Battle of the Villains. In a high stakes basketball game, who would win? HIV or Fossil Fuels.

Let's do some pre-game chatter.

Because the winner of this semi final in the SCIENCE SHOWDOWN 2007 (can you tell, we're trying to finish up before the end of the new year) will earn a spot in the final - and against Darwin no less. What do you think? When push comes to shove, which is the badder baddie?

The horror of HIV, or the ominous nature of fossil fuels?

Game time: Wednesday am...

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The lesser of two very big evils. If human nature is playing a part, I'm going to say that HIV will stomp all over fossil fuels. It's a lot more visceral, you know?

This is some match-up. Does it have to have a winner? Maybe you could say there was one team which "lost less". That way you don't have to go on record with a pro-HIV or pro-fossil fuel recap.

By Allen in TX (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Or maybe they can form an appliance, like those comic books when Galactus and Doctor Doom teamed up? Still, in the comic book world, such things were still defeated.

In any event, I think Darwin would stand a better chance against HIV, so my vote is for the virus.