Synthetica: A New Continent of Plastics

"On this broad but synthetic continent of plastics, the countries march right out of the natural world - that wild area of firs and rubber plantations, upper left - into the illimitable world of the molecule. It's a world boxed only by the cardinal points of the chemical compass - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen."

i-2da58867ca9cea0143fe1ca58357927a-Synthetica 1940 sm.jpg

This is from Fortune, 1940 (I found it here and here.) Click on the map for a larger view to find that Rayon "is a plastic island off the Cellulose coast, with a glittering night life."

No doubt. Better snatch up a beachside condo before the mortgage rates get even worse.

(This one's for J.A.R.)

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By Dollinger (not verified) on 18 Jan 2008 #permalink

When I was working for a plastic company in Kalamazoo in 1980, three was an updated version of Synthetica by a plastic magazie. It showed many of the new materials. Anyone have a copy of that map?

On reading my curiosity, Denise smiled and replied,

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