Some numbers of interest - bail outs, foreign aid, saving wall street, saving the world

700,000,000,000 - approximate number of US dollars proposed in the bail out bill (link).

0.7 - percentage of GDP agreed upon in 1970 to be set aside for foreign aid. Often sited as an appropriate funding goal to help meet the UN's Millenium Development Goals. (link)

0.16: actual GDP percentage of aid given by the US in 2007. (link)

7.5: approximate number of years of possible US aid at the full 0.7% benchmark if the one time $700 billion bail out was used for this purpose. (link)

2015: the end of which will be roughly seven and a half years from now, and also the target year for the Millenium Development Goals. (link)

You can add if you think of any interesting stats that keep it going

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