The World's Fair (Hey, It's Not Like We're Asking For $700 Billion) DonorsChoose Drive.

You know the scoop. Every little donation counts (and I just noticed we got our first one!), and it's all in the name of education. In this case, environmental sciences. And just like the title says, we're not asking for much. In fact, the three little projects we've chosen to start with add up to just over $700 which is only 0.0000001% of the what the wall street bail out figure is - I mean $700 amount that really leaves no room for debate.

And you know me - the importance of education is really a no-brainer for me, and hopefully you as well. I mean, my role in academics pretty much revolves around science education so this initiative is all good to me.

Anyway, click on the to title on the above widget panel and this will take you to our DonorsChoose page.

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While I know that true charity involves giving without expecting anything directly in return, I'm wondering if you'd be interested in offering a little incentive. For instance, giving the answer (if one exists) to Puzzle Fantastica #3, if a certain amount of money was raised in a certain amount of time.

I'm planning on donating to one of the DonorsChoose projects anyway, but an incentive like that might just tempt me (and probably a few others) into giving a bit more than I would otherwise.