This is it. Puzzle Fantastica #3 - the end?

(Previously: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4)

O.K. o.k. so I've been ultra delinquent with keeping on top of the PF3 puzzle, and for that I heartily apologize.

But here we go - the proverbial home stretch. As it stands what did happen was that somewhere in the conversation, in the comments, in the hypothesizing, the answer was indeed found.

However, in a manner that some might say happens also in the scientific process, the answer when proclaimed was done so in a way that didn't really reflect a full on "aha!" moment. Truth is, it seemed like maybe it was a lucky guess - I don't know - maybe it wasn't, but I'm of the opinion that based on the clues provided, if you know it, you would know you know it.

So... to keep things progressing, I'm going to go one step further than just saying "the answer" happened to have been uttered previously. I'm actually going to narrow it down to three of these guesses.


One of these is the real mccoy. Can you figure it out?

If it helps, click here to see a full on montage of every clue presented so far. Regardless of what happens, I'll give out the answer on Christmas day. Good luck!

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Using previous answers/guesses and Wikipedia, I think it's The Tempest:

Bermuda shorts - globe = Bermuda the location (not the article of clothing)
Hawaii 5-0 = Ventures
-1?? -> Venture

The Tempest was thought to be based on the shipwreck of the Sea Venture at Bermuda

Which is linked to the picture of the ship (although it's a different ship)

The geocentric viewpoint would have to do with the way the play is performed, but I don't quite get this yet.

I originally thought the Tempest was the least likely possibility, but after reading Eva's comment and doing a bit more research I agree that it is probably the correct one.

Eva already explained how two of the clues support the hypothesis (Bermuda from Bermuda shorts and the Sea Venture from the Ventures, the band that recorded the Hawaii 5-0 soundtrack). I'm pretty sure the first clue is referring to asteroids, three of the characters in the Tempest are Juno, Ceres and Iris, all of which are also names of asteroids. The connection to the painting of the ship is a bit more tenuous, but in the writing in the bottom right corner it mentions that it is in Plymouth harbor, which is the port that the Sea Venture sailed from on it's last voyage.

Finally, it has long been speculated that Francis Bacon actually wrote some of Shakespeare's plays (including the Tempest) which could explain "It's all about the pork products..."

I think Eva on the right track for the thought process, especially with the one on shorts, but the "Venture" connection isn't quite as pretty i.e. what does that line mean exactly, or is it a letter "l" or a number 1 - how does the Soundtrack play into this cleanly?

The thought also occurred to me that the pork reference may simply have more to do with degrees of separation?

Finally, maybe we can rule out Elvis by default - wasn't he a clue in the first PF. i.e. just a red herring?

If we are zeroing in on "The Tempest," my conjecture was based on the ship, the Bellerophon, along with its companion clue of a horizontal frame that might represent a movie screen. The film "Forbidden Planet" featuring the space ship Bellerophon was based on the plot of "The Tempest."

Perhaps Hawaii is included as "The Enchanted Island," another adaptation of "The Tempest" a la "Forbidden Planet?" Might the "l" or "1" actually be a magic wand that could render enchantment to an island like Hawaii? That title was also used for the children's section of the 1933 Chicago World's Fair by the way.

So, when taken along with the Bermuda shorts and the geographic symbol leading to the Bermuda location, as well as the asteroids with the *> stargazing symbol having namesakes in "The Tempest," are we done yet, earning us all an early celebration in advance of December 25?

By Joe in LA (not verified) on 12 Nov 2008 #permalink

"the "Venture" connection isn't quite as pretty i.e. what does that line mean exactly, or is it a letter "l" or a number 1 - how does the Soundtrack play into this cleanly?"

No, wait, I got it now:
The picture is the soundtrack by The Ventures (plural), and the number 1 just means "one of them" - one "Venture"

And actually the star+eye with the picture could just be "see"="sea", or is that too easy?

Eva, I hadn't connected until you mentioned it that The Tempest was actually based on a magical tempest in the enchanted island of Bermuda. This is actually the area we now know as the Bermuda Triangle. Cool.

By Joe in LA (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

i'm still for longitude, btw.

[in short: the gridded burmuda shorts, the eye's view of the rotation of heavenly bodies around our earth, the sociocultural framework of global shipping trade and accordant warfare thereover, and need we get into the obvious situation of hawaii at a particular longitudinal measure, namely ~150 degrees? there. i said it.]

If 'tempest' is the right answer, then the first clue could be the paths followed on one of those teacup amusement park rides. You know, "Tempest in a teacup."

Though I'm still waiting for the 'aha' experience that tells me that I know I know the answer.