Swedish Celebrity: Bilbo the Bamboo Lemur

Rejected by his parents at birth, Bilbo the bamboo lemur was raised by hand by zookeeper Veronica Lindberg. As a result, Bilbo thinks he is a human and refuses to leave Veronica's side. Clinging to her back, wrapped around her arm or perching on her head, the two are inseparable. Raising Bilbo is no easy task as he must be fed once an hour, every hour. His photogenic furriness has made him a media darling in Sweden, although the country's hopes of dethroning Germany's nauseatingly adorable polar bear cub, Knut, are misplaced.

Bilbo shows-off "Blue Steel". Bamboo Lemur, genus Hapalemur

We told you not to feed him after midnight...

The 'must have' accessory for stoned Swedes this spring

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