We Want One: Jessica the Pet Hippo

Special thanks to Sri van der Kroef to bringing this to our attention!


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I really, really could not get anywhere close to Jessica without thinking very strongly about those BIG, sharp teeth...

I saw this a while back and am in LOVE with Jessica the hippo. I love how her eye closes while the woman's rubbing her ear, and her GIGANTIC pink blanket. God forbid she start chasing the mailman, though.

And how do they manage to keep her out of the other parts of the house? I can't imagine one of those flimsy pet gates stretched across the doorway would stop her. Must be something more heavy duty, or just really good behavioral conditioning.

I actually saw this a few weeks ago and it was a bit sad. Jessica's "owners" seemed a bit preoccupied with deciding whether she should mate or not (they wanted to be "grandparents"), and overall they treated the hippo like a child. When the vet came in and said that Jessica's diet of sweet potatoes, coffee, and other junk probably stunted her growth, the owner's made a half-hearted attempt to integrate some more roughage into her diet before giving up. In the end the attitude of Jessica's keepers frustrated me; maybe they need a "Hippo Whisperer" to come in and straighten things out.

Wow. You don't realize she's only coming back for a 100% sure source of food...

I would not worry about how Jessica is cared for. As her godmother, I can assure you that the Joubert's do everything possible to take good care of her. She is a very happy hippo. She lives a wonderful life surrrounded by peope and animals who love her very much. There is no presure on Jessica to have a baby. Tonie says she will have one when it's time...no hurry
People from around the world come to vist her at her home in South Africa, and thousands more have joined her fan club website. If you are interested. go to jessicahippo.com

By M. Martin (not verified) on 23 Jan 2008 #permalink

Jessica is a wonderful animal. Everyone who has viewed this video or seen the Animal Planet show "Jessica The Hippo" knows that. Recently, a neighbor farmer has make known the fact that he wishes to shoot Jessica. Please lend your support to Jessica. Contact the family through her web site >jessicahippo.com<
Plans are in the works to buy the man's farm and turn it into a preserve. Tonie, Jessica's human dad, hopes to sell shares to individuals so they can be part of saving not only Jessica, but other animals as well. You can also reach the Joubert family at >joubertjessicahippo.com<
There is an article in the South African Sunday Times. Look for "Hands Off My Hippo". Please help these wonder people continue their good works. Thank you.

Great job Sri for shining the light on the rest of us hippos. Pumpkins for all!!

This was great as we never saw any hippos on Whidbey!