The Greatest Nerdiest Party Ever Thrown

Readers, Friends, Enemies, Members of the Press!

My mildly authoritarian brother and I would like to remind you of the life-changing event we're throwing on Friday, September 26th, in San Francisco at Tonic. The party starts at 9pm and goes until ?. (That's right ladies, you read me correctly, it goes until "?").

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- Million Comment Party -
Our Zooillogix Key Party happens to coincide with ScienceBlogs' Million Comment Parties everywhere! It is for this reason that we have banded together with Razib from Gene Expression, Gilligan Mcclain from Deep Sea News, Janet "the War Hammer" Stemwedel from Adventures in Ethics and Science, and Beardy McRosenau from Thoughts from Kansas for the event. By pooling all of our readers, we are hoping to have at least 12-15 people show up to the shindig!

Sadly, our last party did not go as planned.

-I own Tonic-

That is not a typo. As of two days ago, I bought the bar Tonic where the party will be held. I have quit my corporate job and am now fulfilling my dream of serving angry customers warm beer and crawling around on the floor unclogging drains with plungers!

I will be renaming Tonic "Jungle World" after the jungle themed enclosure at the Bronx Zoo where I was born (and subsequently lost one of my two missing hands!). Also in the spirit of giving, all proceeds from the ScienceBlogs Party at Tonic will go to a non-profit that is particularly dear to my heart, the Benny Bleiman Fund for Paying Back His Tonic Investors.

We can't wait to see you there! See? Look at how excited we are!
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Remember to add your name in the comments section if you're planning on attending.

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Just a friendly reminder that Zooillogix, Gene Expression, Deep Sea News, Adventures in Ethics and Science, and Thoughts from Kansas are throwing the biggest, most fun, blowout bonanza ever put together tomorrow night!*** The party starts at 9pm sharp at Tonic, the bar owned by yours truly on…
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I'm a relatively new reader, and I've never commented here before, but I can't turn down a geeky party.

Good luck in your new venture. Very exciting.
I was just out there last month, wish I could join you all.

Ummm, wow. I will be there.

I would love to attend but my parole officer disagrees.

By milkshake (not verified) on 11 Sep 2008 #permalink

See you there!

Damn it! I would totally go except for the whole 'On the other side of the continent' thing. Ah well.

And nice pic, btw. It reminds me of that Onion headline 'South puts off rising again another year.'

I'm trying to imagine what kind of personality Tonic will have: Marina Girl meets Pig Monkey.