Penguin Cheats Death

Slow news day...

Once again, ladies and gentleman, Nick Van Der Horst.

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As much as I love penguins, I think I'd get pretty nervous in that situation and feel... ambivalent about his presence.

It's all fun and games until a frustrated orca takes a bite out of your boat....

Still, glad that the penguin got away!

By Theodosia (not verified) on 09 Dec 2008 #permalink

I gotta agree with pough and Theodosia on this, heh. In an orca vs teeny boat battle, Mr. Penguin would get the boot. I like how the penguin is absolutely fine with the humans being so close though..."Hey guys, sup? You hiding up here too?"

This makes me happy! The penguin is safe and the people didn't get et either. Cute music, which really makes the video perfect. Once again, thanks for sharing!

I guessed the ending (there are only so many places a penguin can escape from an orca), but it was still nice to see after those terrifying clips of a great white shark eating seals in BB Planet Earth.

The gentoo was just a play thing, not a meal. Orcas sometimes eat their toys and some times don't bother.

By BlindRobin (not verified) on 12 Dec 2008 #permalink