Sado Moss


Dear Reader, you of course know that there's a rare moss named Anomodon attenuatus. But did you know that its Swedish name is piskbaronmossa, "Whip Baron Moss"? I wonder if it grows upon the grave of the Marquis de Sade.



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But what does protocol require? Can a baron whip a marquis, and if so, can he only do so while standing on the marquis' left side? Whipped crème-de-la-crème, indeed!

If I understand correctly, a baron may do whatever he pleases with a marquis provided that the former be dressed like a baroness.


But what does protocol require? (snip)

In addition to what you mentioned, I believe it is also considered de rigeur that said marquis initiates the act by quoting Shakespeare: "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..."

(My emphasis)

The reason that so little is known of these noble whippings, of course, is that they take place at knight or very early in the morning.

Said acts of passionate, although ritualized, fighting are also claimed to be the origin of the expression "duke it out".

Finally, let me submit a hypothesis for those of you who "deal with what is left": might this not be the etymological origins of the name of Jarlabanke? (Which in English could be translated as "pounding an earl".)

Not being blue-blooded, this isn't really my thing. Also, with reference to Jarlabanke, I don't think I'd qualify, since I only own a very, very small piece of Täby...

Well I guess it is not women who has it in their backs, I guess it is men who has it.
The whip.
How about "spanked" Earl? Jarlabanke.
I have a small piece of land in Vallentuna.

Oh no, I collect pieces of land in different part of this country. I have a place in Garasavvona (Karesuando), one on Orust, one in Western Götaland in another place, one in Gellivare...

What about the new kind of tea; Earl Moss with whipped cream instead of favorite.

Good lord, soaplady is buying the ground from under my hairy feet!

Shamans drink Earl Shroom and have cucumber sandwiches.

Of course!
You know those are the best way to get revenge...

Do you think Kate Moss is actually a baroness? If so, that might explain the term "högadel" (high nobility).