KattCon Gaming Convention

I spent Friday and Saturday with Junior at a small gaming convention in Katrineholm, a town two hours' drive from my home. (I stayed nearby in May of last year with my wife.) With less than 100 participants, not all of whom were there at the same time, it was a friendly and welcoming con where it felt like our presence made a difference. Here's what I played:

  • Descent, a dungeon game very reminiscent of 70s Dung & Drag when everything was still combat-centric and no role-playing asked for. Fun game though the underground catacombs full of magically appearing monsters of course have no chance of making you believe in or even care much about them.
  • BattleLore, a hex-based Medieval fantasy battle game. If standard hexagon tactical simulation games are Lego, then BattleLore with its great big hexes and simple rules is Duplo. I entered a small tournament and placed second despite never having seen the game before. It was fun too.
  • Tigris & Euphrates, mentioned here before: I played and beat two noobs and an experienced player, and one of the new guys placed second!
  • Munchkin (a dungeon parody card game), Munchkin Quest (a board-game version of the aforementioned), Kogworks (abstract, with cog-wheels).

      At the second-hand games table I bought Hansa and Lost Cities cheaply.

      [More about ; .]


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Did you buy the pirat-iga mugg? (Probably worth it for the free drinks alone!)

Sounds like fun.

Nope, bought no mug, they were coffee-sized and so too small to be of any use to me after the con. A few people had brought last year's mugs though, and they were bigger.

Descent, a dungeon game very reminiscent of 70s Dung & Drag when everything was still combat-centric and no role-playing asked for

Sounds like regular D&D.

Munchkin is great fun! "Cheat With Both Hands". *snurk*