There's a new science blogging network, Scientopia, it's full of ex-SciBlings and other good bloggers, and it has no ads! Janet Stemwedel of Adventures in Ethics and Science is there, as is Grrlscientist, Krys also of Anthro in Practice, the Voltage Gate, Drugmonkey, Christina Pikas, Mark of Good Math/ Bad Math, the Questionable Authority, Scicurious formerly of Neurotopia, Zuska, PAL MD and others. The site is open to applications from new bloggers.
Good luck, guys! Anybody on Scientopia who has written something about archaeology and/or skepticism, and who'd like a share of my traffic, just send me a link please.
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Thanks for the promotion! One minor correction is that Scientopia is not exactly "open for applications". No specific plans for additional recruitment at this time.