We're moving!

Looking for us? We're happy to say that we're part of the new Scientopia blogging collective. Come see us there!

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What a crazy month July has been! First with PepsiGate (also here, here, and here), then once things started to quiet down a bit, we were hit with the NY Times Magazine nonsense. But today I have some pretty exciting news. You may have heard about a new blog collective that has been formed called…
Finally, at long last, I can tell you what I've been up to with finding a new home for this blog. I've created a new, community-based science blogging site, called Scientopia. With the help of many wonderful people, we're ready. We launched this morning. So to continue following GM/BM - along with…
...Scientopia, a new science blogging collective that just opened shop today. You'll note that several of its founding members are refugees from right here at Sb, including White Coat Underground, Good Math, Bad Math, Adventures in Ethics and Science, The Questionable Authority, This Scientific…
This past Monday morning a new science blogging community came online: Scientopia! From their Vision: Scientopia is a collective of people who write about science because they love to do so. It is a community, held together by mutual respect and operated by consensus, in which people can write,…