Sixth World Skeptics Conference

I'm at the Sixth World Skeptics Conference in Berlin, co-organised by the German GWUP and the US CSI. These conferences have been going on biannually since the mid-90s with a recent hiatus. It's the first time I'm at a skeptical event in Continental Europe. With only 300 seats it's not quite as planet-spanning as its name suggests, but it's a good crowd anyway. Some impressions:

  • I prefer to be a speaker at conferences.
  • I'm doing some intensive networking for the Swedish Skeptics who sent me here.
  • Also talent scouting for the European meeting we're organising next year.
  • It's good to hear speakers who are not on the Anglophone circuit I've been following live and on podcasts in recent years.
  • Good venue, good food, lovely greenery in the courtyard.
  • Good schedule with ample opportunity to talk to people.
  • Open day for the public is a good idea when you've paid speakers to fly in.
  • Best talks so far: Eugenie Scott and Johan Braeckman, both on creationism.
  • Looking forward to: Rebecca Watson and Chris French.

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Rebecca Watson, Yeaaah!!! Looking forward to more Berlin reports.

-What, no Westboro Baptist Church picketing? The cheap bastards denied you a comical interlude because of the overseas flight cost.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 20 May 2012 #permalink

Sounds like you've been busy - but I happy that I got to meet you in real life. Also fun when you've been in contact with someone for years online.