March Pieces Of My Mind


  • The Swedish Church lost 54,000 members last year. That's more than half a percent of the country's population.
  • Yay! Eight years after submission, a star-crossed paper of mine has finally appeared in print! I was at this provincial museum in 2004, looking at finds, and the staff asked me for a paper to put in their annual. Then they discontinued that annual and told me to send my paper to a certain national journal. I did, it got accepted, and then that journal stalled for several years. The volume I'm in is for 2009 and appeared in late 2012.
  • Wikipedia and my smart phone turn everything I read on paper into hyper text.
  • Smite is slå, "hit", in the current Swedish Bible translation.
  • "I was just your normal everyday chieftain of a small pastoral tribe, and let me tell you, when I discovered Abrahamic monotheism, I was completely smitten!"

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I've got a paper almost ready to be submitted. The co-authors are taking one last look, I'm making a few minor changes to figures, and I need to do the final formatting of the references. In order to do that last step, though, I need to decide to which journal the paper is going to be submitted.…
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Martin, the link you give to your earlier post about the paper (at least I assume that's what the "star-crossed" link is supposed to be) gives a "page not found" error.

By Catherine Raymond (not verified) on 04 Apr 2013 #permalink

Thanks! Fixed it. I forgot that the quotation marks from the word processor don't work in HTML tags.

I recall an anecdote about imperial Chinese bureaucracy grinding this slowly...

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 05 Apr 2013 #permalink

I think part of the church decline is demographic, as those born in the 1920s and 1930s pass away. The next generations were increasingly secular. Or are you referring to those actively leaving the church?
(OT) First tests of old patent medicine remedies from a museum collection
Holy f'cking sh*t! Arsenic and mercury, with a bit of heroin.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 08 Apr 2013 #permalink