Fifty by Fifty

Shri Kulkarni is the McArthur Professor at Caltech.
He has about 300 refereed publications, and is in the close vicinity of a major numerological birthday anniversary.

Of his papers, about fifty are in Nature!

PS: I just saw Shri at the AAS.
He did it - fifty Nature papers before the deadline...
that is quite something.

ADS lists 54 Nature publications, of which I count 4 which are non-refereed, so I'm counting 50 refereed Nature papers (and 3 Science papers!), with about 5000 citations in total.
It is possible I missed one of the N&V articles or unrefereed correspondences and am counting too many, in which case Shri is still at "only" 49 Nature papers (but I hear rumours #50 [or 51 as the case may be] may be in the pipeline...).

Is there anyone in any other field with anything like that sort of a record?

I also see a couple of instances of 3 Nature papers in a single volume of Nature, and several instances of two papers in a single issue (linked "discovery" papers).

Most of the papers are on pulsars or gamma ray bursts. Many of the latter are co-authored with multiple authors, but still, that is seriously impressive. That is about two Nature papers per year during his active research career, to date.

For comparison, I currently have 2 Nature and 1 Science papers and if I have 5 in total by the time I hit the same grand old age, I will consider myself to have done well, as a deciShri.


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Yes, I do know something of MOND
I will blog on it Real Soon Now - requires some thought, unless I just dump my grad galactic astro noted on it
It is not a breakthrough, it is an interesting way to consider The Problem, and a good reminder that Data Drives Science, Not Beautiful Theory.
I consider it in the "Probably Wrong, But Keep a Sharp Eye on It" category.

so (in words a non-astrophysicist kinda gets, please!) what's the biggest thing he's done? Is a Stockholm trip probably in his future?

He was part of the discovery of both the first millisecond pulsar, and the first millisecond pulsar in globular clusters, as well as a number of other pulsar discoveries.
He has done significant work on interferometry; co-discoverer of brown dwarfs; and, major work on optical and radio followup to gamma-ray bursts. He is definitely not done yet either.
There is no Nobel prize in astronomy, although several astronomers have won the Nobel prize for physics. Notably for pulsar discoveries on two occasions. Work directly relevant to fundamental physics, techniques for physics discoveries and very major practical discoveries tends to get Nobel prizes. Guessing who and when is mostly futile, the Academy makes its own mind up...

Cameron, see also the June issue of Physics World and in
this article
for the web based article.
I think once dark matter is discovered in laboratory based experiments
or produced at LHC , that would kill all these theories

Oops the url was incorrectly formatted. The article I was referring to
is here