How to determine if you are a mammal...

This was just too cute (and funny!) not to share. I came across a blog in Scientific American that discussed a "standardized test" created by Hannah Bonner, illustrator and children's writer, to help determine whether someone (or some creature) is a mammal:

Excerpt from "When Dinos Dawned, Mammals Got Munched, and Pterosaurs Took Flight" Excerpt from "When Dinos Dawned, Mammals Got Munched, and Pterosaurs Took Flight"

The test is part of her book called "When Dinos Dawned, Mammals Got Munched, and Pterosaurs Took Flight." What a great educational tool. It is published by National Geographic Children's Books. Kudos to you Hannah!


Scientific American

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But I have a lower jaw made of two fused bones. Apparently I am not a mammal. What am I? --Yes, I know this is geared towards kids. But the bright ones will know this.