Five Good Podcasts

I love listening to podcasts during housework, commuting and travelling. I use the Podkicker app on my Android phone. Some of my current favourites are put out by the old media: NPR, CBC and BBC. But here are five faves without old-media ties.

  • The Drabblecast. ”Strange stories by strange authors for strange listeners”, with the inimitable master of the form, Norm Sherman.
  • Planetary Radio. All the weekly space news you need, and interviews with the scientists and engineers who make that news.
  • Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff. Role playing games, speculative fiction, history, spy thrillers, occultism, cooking, movies and stories about Toronto's crack-smoking mayor.
  • Skeptics With a K. Three young Englishmen being witty on current skeptical topics.
  • The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast. Funny and insightful discussion of old, classic or obscure horror short-stories. (Only some episodes are free, so I subscribe.)

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