Quoth the rugrats...

Not to steal Janet's sprog blogging motif, but overheard in my kitchen last night:

Z (son, age 3): Mommy, your card has a "3" on it! You're three, just like me!

A (daughter, age 6): Uh-uh, that's a thirty, 3-0. She's old now. [dramatic eye roll]

So, break out the botox and retinol...and have a few green beers on me. (Never had a taste for the stuff myself). Happy St. Patrick's Day! (secondarily known as "Tara's birthday")


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I second that! Happy Birthday Tara, even if you are dangerously old at 3-0. :)

Happy birthday!

But 30!?!?!? Man, I remember when I was in my early 20's I figured I'd be an adult by the time I was 30. Now that my 30th birthday is nearly 8 years past, I'm *still* wondering when I'll be an adult.


Happy St Patrick's Day Birthday Tara! You're now part of the official 3-0 Club. Woo-hoo.

You have to at least find a green drink of sorts to celebrate. As I don't care for ales much either - I know there are plenty of green drinks to be had this evening!

Happy 30th!

Speaking of green drinks, be careful-- remember what happened to Scotty.

(If you aren't too young and sufficiently nerdy to understand the reference....)


Happy Birthday, Dr. Tara. May you have many, many more.

Thanks all! Rob, I'm probably too young--Star Trek was a bit before my time--but luckily the nerdiness makes up for it. :)

good gosh, you're ancient! you only look about 23 in the photo.

By Duncan Hill (not verified) on 17 Mar 2006 #permalink

Heh. That pic's from September 2004, so not too old. This is why people often assume I'm a student rather than faculty.

Tara, you've accomplished more by the age of 30 than most people will in their whole lives (army's got nothing on you). So much for being the "boring one." As always, you continue to awe, inspire, and generally rock my world. Happy happy!

Awww, thanks Bella. I'm still pretty boring, though. :)


So that picture is not very old...

By Fred Gray (not verified) on 17 Mar 2006 #permalink

live long and prosper.

[kids these days. {shakes head} no respect for history.]

cheers, and happy birthday,

Happy birthday - I turned 31 last month, so we are in the same age group. However, it seems to me that you have been doing a lot more with your life than I have at this point. Maybe it's time that I got my act together? Continue your good work, and many happy returns.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 17 Mar 2006 #permalink

Tara, I was an asst prof at 28 and only started feeling old when the students stopped asking me 'what year' I was. When I wanted to appear older to get a little more respect, I grew a goatee - out of the question in your case. Now that it is speckled with grey..okay, it's pretty grey...I am thinking of shaving it off but my little girl forbids it.

Regardless, very hearty but belated happy birthday wishes. I hope that the little urchins were able to give you and Mr. Smith some private time to celebrate.

Congratulations, have some Midori!

By David Harmon (not verified) on 18 Mar 2006 #permalink

A belated Happy Birthday Tara!

By Dean Morrison (not verified) on 26 Mar 2006 #permalink