Saturday roundup

More interesting topics, too little time...

Mike discusses the dearth of qualified people to work in clinical microbiology labs--and the effect it may have on your health.

I'm a wanna-be history nerd. I really enjoy the topic, but as a science major, I didn't have a lot of time to take formal coursework in college, and since then much of my reading has focused on historical issues that are somehow related to science or medicine. So, there's a new blog to update me on all the other cool history news.

I've had several posts on butterflies and moths this week. It's also a theme at bootstrap analysis.

Additional evidence of incredible microbial diversity, much of it previously uncultured.

Ewen describes a new study using engineered Salmonella to fight cancer.

Much outbreak news abounds.

16 were hospitalized--and a child died--due to pufferfish poisoning in Vietnam.

Meningitis outbreak in Brooklyn.

Concerns that soccer fans may serve to disseminate Germany's measles outbreak.

And while at least one zoo is moving chickens and ducks out of their petting zoo, we're reminded that live bird markets are still a risk as far as avian influenza goes, and they're more common than one might think in the US.

That's it for today--have a good weekend!

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as a science major, I didn't have a lot of time to take formal coursework in college

Yo, Yalie, have they done away with distribution requirements? I was MB&B and I got to take some history. Not as much as I would have liked, but better than nuthin'!



Yo, Yalie, have they done away with distribution requirements? I was MB&B and I got to take some history. Not as much as I would have liked, but better than nuthin'!

:D Nope, they still have 'em. I did take 3 history courses--medieval history, history of medicine, and a history of near-eastern religion, but 3 semesters of 3 very different topics just wasn't enough.