Saturday roundup

More interesting stories that I didn't get to this week...

Ewen is looking for volunteer producers for his radio show. If you're in his neck of the woods and would like to learn about science journalism, drop him a line.

Mike notes that MRSA is winning the war on drugs, due in part to dirty needles and a lack of needle exchange programs.

Orac discusses the latest Geiers drama (those would be the folks who've been most prominent in pushing the vaccination/autism link here in the U.S.) Turns out a court recently laid the smackdown on them, Kitzmiller-style.

More sequence information has been released regarding H5N1 isolates from the Indonesian family cluster; contrary to initial reports, it appears the virus mutated rapidly.

Janet has a round-up of links about an article that I was considering discussing, by Ben Barres in this week's Nature. Barres is transgendered, and gives his impression of science from the point of view of one who's done it as both a man and a woman. Interesting conversation around ye olde blogosphere on the topic.

As pointed out by jre, Mark over at Good Math, Bad Math posts on a new study regarding search-based models of evolution, something that popped up in the comments to this post.

Hey! A new science site! From NYU's Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program,'ll read about green architecture and urban coyotes. Bikers-turned-worm-farmers and a beach in the Meatpacking District. Tanning and manholes and rainbows, oh my! We promise to make Scienceline the most excellent adventure we possibly can - you'll learn things you never knew you never knew.

Have a good weekend!

More like this

I'm not so sure, but two prominent scientists, both of whom are transgendered, allege that scientists regularly discriminate and "ostracize" ambitious female scientists. This is the latest twist of the Larry Summers Debate, which has grown a wee bit tiresome. I alluded to Joan Roughgarden's…
Here is the U.S., especially, we love to think the ivory tower is a meritocracy, and that the tribe of science is objective in all things -- including how it treats its members. A nice little pile of data runs counter to this picture, however. A quick roundup: At Majikthise, Lindsay Beyerstein…
As pointed out yesterday, flu blogging has been light this month, even though there have been interesting developments. As such, to catch up a bit, I'm posting an overview of the current Indonesian cluster and some other thoughts below the jump... As always, I point anyone who wants to keep up-to-…
Shhhh...I have a secret. When we send out information about the World Science Festival, the producers commonly use the phrase, "a Festival meant to engage and inspire the public about science." For me, there's no better way to inspire than to offer the public a  chance to meet one-on-one with…

urban coyotes

Is John Travolta available for the role?

Ask Zoe Brain about her experiences being a transgendered rocket scientist .

(BTW, since they were wed when Zoe was Alan, under Australian law she and her wife are still legally married.)

By Alan Kellog (not verified) on 17 Jul 2006 #permalink

As a long time bike racer and general rider, it was so refreshing to read about the healthy and fun-filled ride across Iowa.

This was especially since the good folks in the Hawkeye State seem so resistant to the appalling swindles, tragic deceptions and misuse of charities that characterize the various runs, walks, jogs, rides, quiltings, candlelight vigils, and other theatrical symbols of the evangelical, militaristic, and hopeless misguided "war against AIDS."

make that "hopelessly misguided" "war on AIDS."

This was especially since the good folks in the Hawkeye State seem so resistant to the appalling swindles, tragic deceptions and misuse of charities that characterize the various runs, walks, jogs, rides, quiltings, candlelight vigils, and other theatrical symbols of the evangelical, militaristic, and hopeless misguided "war against AIDS."

I hope you told those priggish, prim folks in the cloistered midwest just how much you appreciated that.

By jolly fuschia giant (not verified) on 17 Jul 2006 #permalink