Tangled Bank #59

Check out the best science blogging over the past two weeks over at Science and Reason.

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Check out the best science blogging from the past two weeks over at Salto sobrius. Included in the current carnival is a site that's new to me, VirologyBytes, and in particular this post (well, podcast) discussing just what a virus is. Unfortunately, I'm at a computer without speakers at the…
Hey there my dedicated blog readers, Sorry there hasn't been much from me all week. I'm moving to Hawaii in less than a month, and between preparing for that 6,000 mile trek, a pick up in work (I suspect my boss trying to get the most out of my last couple weeks here), and general life, I've been…
A new Tangled Bank is up over at Epigenetics News. Check it out for the best science blogging of the past two weeks.
Check out the best science blogging of the past two weeks over at Eastern blot. And while we're on the subject of carnivals, Animalcules will return next week after a month's hiatus. Send any entries you've written recently about all things microbiological my way for now (aetiology at gmail dot…