More anthrax

DarkSyde over at DailyKos has his own post up today on the anthrax letters. He asks for "Thoughts, plots, conspiracies?", and gets quite a few in the comments, so be sure to check those out as well.

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Dear Sir: I had written my opinion in other sections concerniung aides as a social -communication disease starting in the way people think-human behavior.
My thoughts get clearer on this topic daily. If we start from anthrax a skin ailiment (border boundary ailiment I think started from something under the skin)-the old moslems who added things ...
e.g 100 men 5 feet each =500 feet instead of five feet. If you add the behaviors and attitudes of ancient times through till day -past Einstein-we are a society that is based on the false belief of a third party perspective-the constant speed assigned to light at any perspective.

It is easy for men keep adding past themselves and the earth thinking of this neutral view point-anthropomorphised-pictured as manlike- as always present -an indicaton of their lives.
I am firmly convinced that the spread of AIDS SARS etc- is carried on from this old (biological expression of trouble to nature)- disease Anthrax.
Though I had worked very briefly ina research lab involving this -Army desires for a vaccination-andonly know a little of its' biology of three factors involving the skin-fever etc-I'have to review it again--the physicals to AIDS could be very criptic-at a plane to be almost undiscernable without some advanced insights and information from history and science(thanks to the efforts and data we have already collected. And we will always wind up with more of a shape(a topolocical comparison that maybe we can even get genetic with(a biological propensity in description)rather than a number like the speed of light(a physics propensity). A preoccupation with numbers -as in physics-and a failure to realize that all things are more biological (ultimately totally are form-size and shape)than physic(ycal)(a number or equation).
pertaining to the question what can we do about it?-if we have a good perspective we can stop breeding it -especially with the bad habits and learned behaviors we adopt from The past. Trim our budgets, know our redundant efforts-not collect knowledge for knwoledge sake-and be especially morally cpnscious with respect to our fellow man and animals. Understand what thinking 'a neutral existing party' has to do with our lives-what aspects of it?. I think to start -science is missing a womans touch altogether and there is a great deal of discrimination involved for those interested. If a person at first step thinks I am atheistic -that third party refers to religion and god-it is actually our science with a false belief that you are confusing this with.
Take a sabboth-look around with scrutiny to try to find where in your lives this false belief is festering.
As a start -at about world war time, the speed of light was declared a universal standard to determine length-the meter. The more I reflect on this, the more ridiculous this appears to common sense whether the velocity of light is theorized to be constant or not. We start with the unit of length-the meter first to measure speed---Habitually building constructs like the stacked heights of men to climb a wall.

By marvin e. kirsh (not verified) on 18 Aug 2006 #permalink

None of the above makes any sense whatsoever. However, let's note in passing that a) the meter is _not_ defined in terms of the speed of light, but in terms of the wavelength of light of a particular frequency, because that is currently our most accurate form of ruler; and b) anyone who's driven somewhere using GPS navigation has validated General Relativity to rather good precision, so it's a bit late to complain about the speed of light; the universe just works that way, even if you don't like it.

By Stephen Wells (not verified) on 18 Aug 2006 #permalink

Dear Stephen: I did not say that the figures and data would not work out the same whether we considered the velocity constant or variable-to compare exactly within minute tolerances:I think would be almost beyond measurement or too small for PRACTICAL purposes to make a difference. My argument is about the use of intellectual constructs to define our environements -grows beyond common sense and the exact logic used can be restrictive-blinding tothe truth. The difference is in what we extract from exact witness and what we extrapolate from theory, how we think. Science can be presented to a society and result in oppressiion-the say of the individual trickling away his autonomy to the society he created-a society of robots witha reduced life time.
A unit of lengh-a meter -is carved in stone,based on divisions, is the base tool from which we build. Wheny ou say it is base on wavelength at a particular frequency it is still energy dependant-hence is calculated from a (constsnt?) velocity of measurement. A potential change in the velocity of light with time would probably be beyond our tolerances-time dependant change in the state of matter would be miilionths(trillionth) fold different in variation from the changes we observe in the life sciences and evolution, our eyes construct things based on the material and immaterial-matter is given a stationary place in all of our schemes.
A second fact with regards to your comment that "what I said makes no sense"-is a simple possibility that the earth environment in space is not normal-tilted by weight heat etc -that influence our activities in history, bhavior and our problem solving-that some factors may had proceeded by the additions I mentioned and are invisible to accomplished theories.
I believe as a fact, that if theory is (theoretically not exact truth)wrong..any applications we make upon the world,regardless of the infinitessimal differences, will always reflect back upon us-our course through history, whether off the furthest out reaches of space- the world is constructed of uniques(point a=f(x,y,z) f=function of. there is only one point (x,y,z)-any exact generalizations -especially based on mathematics imply a third party-pairs of threes and not twos-a common third party(or =point of reference if you demand science), but I do not believe there to be any difference. Point of reference -whether it involves a communicating person or a place in space reflecting light to another place-makes no matter-the world is a place of unique instances. How this thought of constancy,has grown into a terrible festering immoraltiy and espansive degenerating disease the difference in the existence of a healthy tree struggling for existence with a man propagated-created -diseased tree.

By marvin e. kirsh (not verified) on 19 Aug 2006 #permalink